(ThyBlackMan.com) Orenthal James Simpson, known as O.J., died on Wednesday, April 10th at age 76 after battling cancer. Simpson was a football icon, an NFL hall of famer and a trailblazer. He starred in commercials, like the unforgettable Hertz campaign, which ran for years, one this writer remembers as a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Continuing our conversation with Haji Malcolm in this his birth month of May, I want to also pay homage to a central source of his grounding and growth, the Hon. Marcus Garvey. Haji Malcolm’s introduction to nationalism and pan-Africanism began at an early age with an introduction to Garveyism, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There are many ways to read the Bible, unfortunately too many of us are led to believe we can only read it as a manual for moral living. That is definitely one of the primary functions of the text, but that is not the only way by which the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The main battle in the “1 v 20” battle between Drake and the Anti-Drake Alliance is the Toronto artist’s battle with Kendrick Lamar. You could say that the outcome of Drizzy vs. KDot determines the fate of the rest who have a bone to pick with Drake. One of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In the ever-evolving world of construction, roofing stands as a testament to both tradition and innovation. “The Roofing Renaissance: Unveiling the Secrets of Roof Contractors” invites you to explore the intricate craft of roofing and discover the hidden expertise behind every project. From the mastery of ancient techniques to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com)  Former President Ronald Reagan had a way with simplicity in language that was astute. When asked how he defined victory in the Cold War, his response was simple, “we win, they lose.” His foundation for our national security was rooted in a profound maxim, “peace through strength.” And I will ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) “The younger people of course are the ones who are seen on the streets. They are the activists. They are the real vanguard of change because they haven’t been indoctrinated and they haven’t submitted.”-co-founder of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense Huey P. Newton April 2024 was a truly ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I have little, if any, sympathy for atheists and evolutionists.  Historical and physical evidence is available for anyone who seeks the truth.  But since we live in a land that loves a lie, many people are content with their willful ignorance, not wanting to take the required measures to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The idea to create a new Buckhead City finally died in the Georgia state legislature. And rightfully so. Democratic members of Atlanta’s state delegation never favored allowing the affluent, majority-white neighborhood of Buckhead to secede from the city of Atlanta. It became a measure long opposed by the city’s business ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Taking the time to talk to our children about morals and values is very important. As they get older, and find themselves faced with various situations, the words we have imparted to them will come back to them when they need it. It seems the words are more effective ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Black folks have always been creative whether it was in the Old World, the Mother Land, or the New World. The environments and settings that spawned and staged that creativity but it all influenced pop culture, fashion and culture at large and impacted society. My Creative Journey In my ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In the rich tapestry of television history, black sitcoms have played a crucial role in entertainment, offering laughs, life lessons, and cultural insights. However, many impactful shows have faded into obscurity, deserving a second look for their pioneering work in representing black experiences and voices. 2. “The Parent ‘Hood” ...